Introduction to Linchpin Intranets, Extranets &
04-08, 13:20–13:35 (US/Pacific), Event Center Salon A

Getting to know how Intranets, Extranets and Diagramming can significantly improve the utilization and adoption of your Atlassian Confluence within your company. 15 minutes of quick and entertaining introduction into our world of improving collaboration and making it more visual

Getting collaboration in Confluence started is hard. If you have killer applications at hand there's a lot of use cases from the very beginning that everyone in the company can use and consume. Linchpin introduces personalization, a native mobile app and touch screen interfaces to confluence as well as 12 apps with bespoke intranet features. Diagramming in Confluence is one of the common use cases in Confluence. is the most popular diagramming App on the Atlassian Marketplace. Get to know them in this session.

After years of experience in selling, consulting and implementing of Linchpin projects for //SEIBERT/MEDIA, Adil is now determined to help other Atlassian partners to scale their Confluence business.

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